Safety and comfort with tailored outdoor lighting
We design and build outdoor lighting networks that are optimized for customers’ needs, both in rural areas and in urban centres. We also maintain the operationality of networks once they are up and running.
In addition to technical aspects, we plan necessary structures and volumes, resulting in modern and custom-made outdoor lighting.
Our expert services include group exchanges, and maintenance and replacement of lighting fixtures in road light networks, residential areas and parks. We also deliver cost-effective turnkey solutions, for example for street lighting renovations.
Our outdoor lighting services include:
- Network design
- Network construction
- Inspections
- Service and group exchanges
- Maintenance
- Demolition/dismantling
Our references in outdoor lighting include:
- City of Järvenpää
- Hollola municipality
- City of Hyvinkää
- Porvoo/Porvoon Sähköverkko Oy
- Mäntsälä
- Housing co-operatives and road maintenance associations